Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I was thinking the other day of all the cute things that Hunter says and does and I knew that i would not remember them.  I can not even remember what I wore to work yesterday.  So with that in mind I have decided to see if I can remember all the things that I do not want to forget 20 years from now.  He has only been talking for about a year so it should not be that hard.  With that being said, I will enlist help from family and friends to make sure that i have not left any out.
  1. When Hunter first started talking  the main ones that need not be forgotten was the way that he said Horse and Socks.  They came outs sounding like whores and cocks.  Aww it melts my heart :)
  2. Since then he has said a lot of things that are too cute and these are in no order.  Instead of saying "What are you doing?" he says "What you do?"
  3. Since it is currently summertime, Hunter likes to go fwimming instead of swimming.
  4. His "everybody" sounds like a rap video lyric with "erbody!"
  5. He has now corrected this pronunciation of bicycle but it used to be bihycle :)
  6. Instead of saying "There it is", it is "dere it is"
    That is all that I can think of right now.  I will post more at a later time and note the date with the update. 
    03/03/2014 update - 
    I need to add a few more to the pile:
7. Gatorade is now pronounced "Atergade" - spring 2013

In addition to mis-pronunciations there are a few sentences that he says now that are too cute:

1. " Are you thinking what I am thinking?" - November 2013
2. "I don't think that is such a good idea!"  - February 2014

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